Blazers.Bourbon.Cigars Pre-Event Reception at Porsche of Annapolis
It was a hot, muggy evening in Annapolis, but that didn’t stop the Host Committee Members and Sponsors of the Fifth Annual Blazers.Bourbon.Cigars fundraiser from showing up to enjoy complimentary Chesapeake Cigars and fresh tenderloin, shrimp, and asparagus hot off the Range and Reef live-fire grill.
The affair served as a fundraising pep rally and a “thank you” for the sponsors’ generous contributions to support Historic Annapolis' mission through the upcoming Blazer.Bourbon.Cigars event. The Mission is to “Preserve and Protect the historic places, objects, and stories of Maryland’s capital city, and provide engaging experiences that Connect people to the area’s diverse heritage”.
Among the sponsors was Dean D’Camera, a Historic Annapolis founder and the owner of the D’Camera Group, who said Range and Reef’s food was, “Phenomenal” and “Off the charts.” While noshing on a sprig of grilled asparagus, he asked someone nearby to snap a photo of him to send his wife as evidence that he had eaten his vegetables that day.
Photographic evidence of Dean D'Camera eating his greens.
Roberto Pischard discussing wood-burning with Chef Jim.
Chef Jim Holderbaum and Robert Clark, President and CEO of Historic Annapolis.
Others were equally impressed by the Range and Reef spread. Between bites, Bing Chen of Porsche said of the tenderloin that “it’s wonderful; very juicy.”
Roberto Pischard, of Rentals to Remember, commented that, as an immigrant of South America (which has a rich history of cooking over wood fires), wood-burning is his thing. “Wood-burning charcoal warms my heart” Roberto reflected. He, and several others, returned to the Range and Reef pavilion for seconds, thirds, and fourths throughout the evening despite the sweltering heat outside.
Murmurs of “perfectly tender” and “mmmm” could be heard drifting throughout the crowd gathered around the fire. The mouth-watering tenderloin and perfectly seasoned shrimp were an irresistible draw, and paired perfectly with the cigars being puffed by attendees discussing the finer features of the Porsches they stood amongst and admired.
Towards the end of the evening, Historic Annapolis’ President and CEO, Robert Clark, thanked everyone for coming and said a few words to inspire the fundraising efforts of the men in attendance. It was clear they couldn’t allow their gentlemen’s-only fundraiser to be showed up by the ladies’ 10th annual fundraiser, the Paca Girlfriends Party, this past June. All in attendance agreed that encouraging their colleagues and friends to attend the Blazers.Bourbon.Cigars event was a top priority, and for a good cause, which is the preservation of Annapolis’ historic buildings, education of the public, and promotion of tourism in this great Bay-side city.
Range and Reef was honored to provide the grilled food at this thank you event, and will also be among the Caterers at the Blazers.Bourbon.Cigars event on September 27, 2018 (just remember that Range & Reef is much more than simple catering; it’s a unique al fresco live-fire and grilling experience). For more information about attending the event, or if you’d like Range and Reef to grill at your next event, follow the buttons below.